Tuesday, June 8, 2010

laguna de apoyo

in order to save money and be a true tourist we caught the chicken bus aka the local bus to the start of the lake road. this bus wasnt too bad, we werent too squished in. worst part was the music they were playing. justin bieber fever has hit here. it was chris, me. eline (a really cool dutch girl) and a guy called robert who we named steve carrell. at the start of the dirt road to the lake there wre 4 taxis waiting. they all know that the local bus doesnt come along very often and its a far walk s they just charge whatever they want. we got the price down a but. the taxi was falling apart and i had a metal thing sticking into my back the whole way oh well it was worth it. we paid 6 usa dollars plus tax whcih half the time they just make up to go to a specific place called the monkey hut on the shore. laguna de apoyo is breathtaking and truly amazing. it is a volcanoe crater lake with clear water that stretches for miles. you can use the hamocks, kayaks and inflatable tubes. was so good to just chill in the water and swim out to the floating dock. steve carrell had to be even more typical and run and dive off a pier even though the water is super shallow. sommersaults into waist deep water. hmm not so bright. although he did tell us later he kayaked out into the middle of the lake and ´dude we like smoked some weed through and apple¨ so maybe that was why he did it. its a beautiful place to be and makes you appreciate the beauty of it. that night we went to a pub quiz at an irish bar. 5 sections, religion, biology, geography, maths and science and identify the aritist. our score got worse with each round although you do get a bonus point if you get the irish questions right.xx

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Woke up at 3:40am to take the bus to Granda Nicaragua. last thing on earth i felt like doing but it actually went by quickly for an 8 hour bus trip. first part of the trip was 2hours along very windy roads up and over mountains. let's just say never again. at one point the driver decided to drive off the road as the road was so abd. not a problem normally.well there was about a metre of grass on the side off the road then a straigh drop down a cliff face. the joys it actually woke me up and other people on the bus were also looking worried. i fell asleep only to wake up to the slamming of breaks and i look out the window to see a guy lying on the side of the road next to his motorbike. we had either hit him or he had slid out. he lay there for a while then got up and put his bicycle back on his motorbike and drive off. changed buses at 7am and took another bus to the border. it went better then boarder crossing in zim. and only take just over an hor at both sides. the bus had leg room for a leggless midget and the short and stumpy men sitting in front of us had their seats right back so that i could almost see up their noses. the ladies behind us kept making little tut tut noises if we put our seat back. i didnt care i just did. there wa a tv on the bus which was great at first as we watched the movie taken. it then switched to really bad 80s spanish pop. the music videos were on a loop i think, i must have watched nelly furtado in spanish about 5 times!!

im already liking it beter here then costa rica. its really hot and humid i think i have showered 3 times already. the hostel is a bit run down but has 24 hour locked gate and security and a nice garden with a pet tortoise and hamocks. we close to the centre were the oldest church in central america is. also a tourist street were we will be going to the pup quiz on wednesday nights. might do volcanoe boarding here and tomorrow should be going to a volcanoe lake.
wow this blog was a borring read.xxx