Monday, July 26, 2010

catch up on nicaragua

so basically i havent written for ..well forever so thought a quick cathc p would be good seeing that i have only written 3 pages in my travel journal i do need some sort of record of what i have done. so basically spent 3 weeks in grananda nicaragua. really didnt do much but not in a bad way just chilled. its a very easy place to just stay in and time can run away with you. i think i most have spent half my money on bagels with cream cheese from this great place called euro cafe, they might have gone bankrupt after i left. i also lived on orange ice lollies and chocolate ice cream cones as they were so cheap´. and some how i managed to lose weight. i think if i made a diet book on this it would really sell especially to Oprah. so in the last week in granada we went to help out everyday for 3 or so hours at a place called calita felize which means happy faces. its run by an old danish guy who we named peta as we could never remember his real name. he was typical scandanavian looking combed over white grey hair with bril cream. button up white shirt kakhi shorts and long socks up to his knees. the centre basically runs as an after school place for kids and adults where they can come and learn things for free. there are english classes, dance classes, hiphop, art, hairdressing, sewing etc. we taught a class along with a local guy. it was an adult english class. i dont know ho much we helped and how much we hindered but it was ok. not really run properly though so kind of hard to do things. my fav was this old guy in his 60s who as soooo eager to learn english and took notes all the time. we even knew a bit about south africa and managed to kind of ask me about the boer war. the kids liked that i was from south africa and the stupid wakka wakka song was played lots along with football. after 3 weeks staying in la libertad hostel with own room with a tv it was hard to leave but we had to head to panama via costa rica this turned out to be an interesting trip

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