Monday, May 24, 2010

48 hours

and so begins another adventure, im not excited, well i kindof am but all the stress about my dad has made me not realy think about this trip but now i am here. i arrived in sao paulo after 9 hours of flying and first thing that hit me was the lack of english. even in the airports in sa everyone can speak english even if it isn't there first language. here most people can barely say a few words. the forms on the plane that i had to fil in for immigration were all in portugese! luckily i was able to figure out most of what it meant. i had 8 hours in the airport. never ever again. i walked laps around the place and was happy to see a familiar face when i saw charlize theron i wanted to run up and give her a hug but she was 7ft tall and made out of cardboard. i read my book the horse boy ( really good about a parents with an autistic kid who take the kid acros mongolia on horse back to get healing from the shamans) when trying to decide what food to eat the golden arches that look like an upside down pair of saggy boobs won so i went to mcdonalds and no it does not taste the same everywhere in the world. while sitting at eating i was approached by 2 young kids begging!! even in sa we don't have beggars in the airports. in the line for check in i met a typical texan. this guy had kakhi pants, a checked shirt,leather shoes and blonde school boy style haircut. he had just been in brazil with his church, he had a troop of followers mostly asian girls all with knee length good girl skirts, conservative shirts and glasses. i was sudenly informed at checkin that i needed a visa for mexcio even though i had asked both the mexican embassy in sa and the sa embassy in mexico and they told me that i don't need one. so Patricia Romana (future employee of the month) told me that they have to confiscate my passport and i will be in security area in mexico. so i get on the plane and managed to sleep for a bit of the 10 hour flight but i was mostly worrying what would happen when i arrive. at mexico city i was lead off the plane and given my passport. i was then taken with a security guard to a room with other passengers who were also in transit. the room had chairs that you can sleep on, a vending machine with peanuts and a lone fanta, a bathroom and a tv playing some scifi english movie. oh it also had 4 security guards in it. i fell asleep and was taken by escort to the plane. another 3 hour flight and i was finally in costa rica! the line for immigration was very long and took 4 hours. however the people were very entertaining. the obligatory groups of american girls on summer vacation with their ll bean back packs and north face jackets. there were at least 4 different groups. upon evesdroping the conversations ranged from group to group about religion and Gods plan for your life, being drunk the night before and someone saying you make good balls. the line also had what i guess to be a german tourist he had a peter pan hat with a feather stuck in it and a large african american guy wearing a destineys child say my name tshirt. i cleared immigration and customs and then went to were international arrivals was. big problem. it is outside. literally. once i had exited the airport i couldnt get back in. i then had to sit outside on benches and the ground along with 100 people trying to get tourists in taxis, offering hostels and people with signs for tours. worst part i was there for 9 hours. i arrived at 12 and chris was arriving at 9pm. it was bad but i made friends with an american father and daughter, a 37 year old women who is my new hero who is not married and has no kids and is living her life as an artist on the beach in costa rica after living her home of canda 5 years ago. she is really happy with her life and doesn't believe in having a job you don't like etc. oh and she also had a cute little doggy named Rio that i played with. when chris arrived we got accousted by a women we named brigita who claimed to be from germany and really really really wanted us to stay at her guest house. we took a bus for very cheap and walked along a road to find a hostel. we staying at a nice place called hostel mollino or the red windmill. we have our own room and bathroom but the room has a double bed and two singles, we pay 15 usa dollars a night. so far so good, just chilled today as sooooooooo tired. have eaten only american food so far, taco belle, fresca and pappa johns pizza.x


  1. That all sounds really exciting, I wish I was there too.

    Hahah "Taco Belle" It's like a Mexican Beauty and the Beast.
    I had a bean burrito from Taco Bell yesterday, so good!

    Have a great time, and I will be checking back for updates :)

    (Lauren Henry)

  2. Hey Mel,

    awesome to see you're there safe and sound... and if you ask me, being escorted through Mexico City Airport was DEFINITELY a blessing... seriously, worst airport ever.

    hope you're having fun!!

    very jealous,

    Craig Theron

  3. Wow, sounds like a hectic start to your trip- I don't know if I could manage traveling for that length of time, especially with no real stop-overs. We're glad you are safe though :) and look forward to reading more about your trip! take care :)
