Sunday, May 30, 2010


the stray dogs here are just too cute. we have befriended a lovely little one we apatley christened carpet. he is a poodle mix and stands about knee high with super shaggy black hair that hangs over his eyes. today i used one of my hair elastics and tied his hair back. he looks so cute but doesn't seem to happy with it although he can finally see. he appears here in the mornings and i give him some food if i have then we see him around in the evenings to. their is also shandy (as she looks like a puppy version of my friend amy's old dog) although she is also called sniffles. very cute but a little timid and carpet likes to steal her food. we conteplating using a sharp knife to cute carpets hair over his eyes but i said if we accidentally blind him then i got to take him home with me.

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